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ContacTango Workshop with Cacu & Gaby

Mai 25, 2024 @ 11:00 - 17:00

A workshop deepening, connecting and researching the wide range of resources in Contact Improvisation and Tango, floating from on into the other.
Cacu and Gaby picking out themes by example like embrace, easy talking legs, different qualities of dance in both forms, axis – out of axis and playing with sequences.
Entering from diverse directions, physical research and playfulness the access and share their own research in more than 20 years of body dialogue.
We have daily 5 hours of diving into the dance plus „Schöner Freitag Tango“ on friday evening, optional Tango (Cafe ADA) or open space for Bodywork/Jamilionga with workshop participants and Contact Jam o sunday
Cacu Lucero, born in Mar del Plata, by the sea. For more than twenty years, he has been teaching, dancing and developing his own way of teaching tango, paying close attention to musicality, dynamics and possibilities. Contact Impro and „Expresion Corporal dance“ had been present also in the last 14 years, making a strong influence in his dancing perspective.
​In 2011 started  developing „tango experimental“ wich later was unified and renamed as Tangocontact. A research that is in constant development.
He has given tangocontact and tango lalso taken part in international tango festivals both in Argentina and Europe. In addition, He has taught Tangocontact in Contact Improvisation festivals.
He is also one of the organizers of the International TAngocontact festivals, that takes part in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Next year will be the 6th edition Further info at
Gaby dances and teaches since around 25 years Contact Improvisation, 20 years of Tango and about 15 years research in ContacTango.
She organizes the Wuppertal Festival which moved now to Schloss Beichlingen for 10 years, to invite for a vivid exchange about these dance forms. She loves embodiment and dialogue – dance-is-dance-is-dance
Let’s enjoy the dance, for real. Be the dance, among to your partners, the music and any small detail. Let’s remember what are we dancing for, beyond styles, esthetic and superficial things.
Level is open, but more easy, if you have a slight idea of at least one of the dance forms.
Fr 19:00-21.30 – danach Jamilonga ; Sa/So 11.00h – 17.00h
Full Weekend: 190,-€ early bird till 15.04.2024 160,-€
only Workshop: 160,-€ early bird till 15.04.2024 130,-€
Unterrichtssprache Englisch, Übersetzung möglich


Mai 25, 2024
11:00 - 17:00


Brunnenstr. 24
Wuppertal, NRW 42105 Deutschland
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